Wednesday, May 30, 2007

who's up for the beach?

capo spartivento, galati, calabria, italy
talk to me -
(think I'm gonna go looking for a surfboard while I'm down there. 10 hours from Rome vs. my other consideration, five hours to Venice. Free surf lessons, anyone?)

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

To market, to market

Any vegans comin' along? How about Kosher-keepers?
If you hold my hand, I'll be ready to temporarily break both along with you. Time to bulk up with some parmesan-coated ground beef saturated in fermented grape juice (the waters of italian soil and sky) - get a little meat on our wretched organic bones in preparation for a cold Seattle winter.


(Who hopes he doesn't sound drunk on wine already...)

Monday, May 14, 2007

With Visas Submitted

So I don't know if y'all were at the same set of forks in the road when the Italian government asked you what your first entrypoint to the Shaggen states would be, but I certainly don't know how I'm getting from London to Roma.
Who wants to take a train from West to East with me?
Eccelente! (wish I knew more words...ready to learn with anyone who wants to this summer)